Ugh... The Sick Fairy decided to pay me a visit right before I left. I made a valient effort to ward it off during the first day or so of my trip, but unfortunately, I am losing the battle. I've been trying to sleep a lot and get some rest... So I haven't gotten to really go out and enjoy Sydney nightlife yet. But I will soon!
Anyhow, things are going well here in general. On Sunday, we took a walk around the area, just to check out some of the local sights. Here are Jackie and Eryn posing by the steps, near Circular Quay (pronounced "key"):

And this is me, checking out the coolest water fountain I've ever seen:

We also went down to the Bondi Beach area to meet up with Eryn's friend Dave. We met up at a local restaurant/pub for some V.B. beer and schnitzel (which is basically chicken parm... deep fried goodness). We also walked along the beach a bit and took a few photos overlooking the water. We'll be sure to go back there soon to do a much longer beach walk down the coast, which should take a few hours.

Let's see... what else... Ah yes, classes started yesterday. Our international business law class is turning out to be somewhat of a pain. We're not exactly sure why we decided to take the class, but Eryn insists that we'll be smarter once we finish it. We'll see about that. We did get to see part of a murder trial today at the NSW (State) Supreme Court here in Sydney. It was kind of boring, as they were just discussing the validity of the evidence, but we got to read a summary of the facts of the case which were kind of gruesome. But at least it made the trip slightly more interesting :p
The entertainment/music business class, however, promises to be very interesting. Our first trip is going to be to the APRA offices (the performing rights organization here in Australia) to meet with a bunch of people from APRA and their mechanical rights organization as well (I forget the acronym for them).
Anyhow, I should get to some of the work I've been meaning to do... I've been sitting in the local library on Jackie's iBook for about an hour now, uploading pictures and checking e-mail, instead of working on my presentation for class tomorrow and writing up my law class journal. So I'm going to get to work... but we'll be going to check out the local music scene later this week, and taking a trip to the Blue Mountains on Saturday (hopefully I'll be feeling better by then). So I'll have lots to blog about soon!
Signing off for now,

Hope you're feeling better soon. It sucks being sick in a foreign country - unless you're in Paris with your mama, right, Jack-a-roo?
Thanks for posting the pics. I'll be checking in daily. Take Care!
great blog! so excited for you... and glad you FINALLY made it. get better! it always takes time to adjust. make sure you pick up the GREAT slang... mate. ;) (in new zealand the kiwis say "good on ya" a lot... which means "that's great for you"... at least i think that's what it means) HAVE FUN!
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